[WEB4LIB] BlackICE software

Peter Binkley pbinkley at library.ualberta.ca
Fri Dec 17 12:05:30 EST 1999

Steve Gibson, of Gibson Research (makes of SpinRite), has apparently been
developing one, but now I see on his site that he has just recently been
given a pre-release sample of a free firewall that will be released soon. He
says on his site:

"In the late afternoon of Friday, December 3rd, I spoke with executives of a
highly reputable company who informed me that they would soon — potentially
within a few weeks — release a very comprehensive, completely free,
firewall! They will be soliciting my feedback about the product by providing
me with a pre-release sample of this new, free, firewall within a week.

As soon as I know more I will update this information. (PLEASE DO NOT write
to ask us about it. Everything I know will be provided here, online.) But
I've got to tell you, based upon their description of this new firewall's
capabilities, I'm VERY excited!"

This is from http://www.grc.com/su-firewalls.htm at the bottom of the page.
You'll also find a link to his "Shields Up!" home page there, where you can
have your ports scanned etc. (I think it was mentioned on this list a few
weeks ago).

All the best,

Peter Binkley

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