Any responses?

Charlotte McClamma cmcclamma at
Thu Dec 16 11:12:56 EST 1999

Sorry, for the duplication. Please send any responses to me at:

cmcclamma at

Charlotte McClamma wrote:

> I see from a number of responses that I was not too clear. We wish to optimize
> our pages to get a better ranking in the results of search engines. Because of
> the original design of our page (the up and coming trend: a dynamically
> created web site) which does not lend itself to good visibility on most of the
> search engines we are faced with trying to "optimize". We have hired someone
> to attempt to do this.
> This action has not been a satisfactory experience. We are also in the process
> of hiring a Web Master (previous construction done by  web committee
> instructions to the Web Page designers)
> and we are interested in finding out if you have the Web Master handle this
> job or what!
> That is why a job description, if you have one, would be very helpful. Also,
> we'll take any ideas or suggestions (now be nice :-))...
> And thanks, in advance for all of your suggestions and help
> Charlotte McClamma
> Medical Librarian
> Children's Hospital, San Diego
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