[WEB4LIB] Re: Unordered Lists (UL)

Sue Kamm suekamm at class.org
Tue Dec 7 16:40:47 EST 1999

Darryl Friesen wrote:

> > How can I replace the bullets and other shapes in a UL with gifs?
> > I'd just like to spice up the lists a little bit.
> Using the UL and LI you can't.  UL has a TYPE atribute for changing the
> style of bullet (disc, square, circle) but nothing like a SRC attribute for
> images.
> You can accomplish the same thing with a 2 column table, placing the images
> in the first column and the text in the second (you don't strictly need the
> table, but the text won't wrap nicely otherwise).  SOmething liek this:
>   <TABLE>
>     <TD><IMG SRC="bullet.gif" ALT=""></TD><TD>Point #1</TD>
>   </TR>
>     <TD><IMG SRC="bullet.gif" ALT=""></TD><TD>Point #2</TD>
>   </TR>
>   </TABLE>

Another note:  If you can use Word and save your document in HTML, design the
page as a Word document.  Create the table and put your .gif bullets in the
left column, then select the table and have Word automatically adjust the size
of your columns and rows.  Save the document in HTML, and voila! Your .gif
bullets will take up much less space.  Alternatively, set your column width a
bit wider than the .gif object.

Your friendly CyberGoddess and ALA Councilor,
Sue Kamm
email:  suekamm at class.org
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