Netscape Communicator floating toolbar (fwd)

Roy Tennant rtennant at
Thu Dec 2 12:55:04 EST 1999

Posted on behalf of Katie Kinnear <k.kinnear at>, please do not
reply to me. Thanks,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
 I have searched the list archives, and looked on the Netscape 
 support centre, and anywhere else I can think of, but I haven't
 found a solution to the following problem:
 At Middlesex University we are running our library web catalogue via
 Netscape Navigator (4.04) on diskless workstations, using Netsitter
 under Windows 3.1. However, one or more of our students have found
 out how to make the floating communicator toolbar appear (i.e. the
 one that normally sits on the status bar), presumably via some
 combination of key strokes, and we cannot get stop them doing it, as
 we don't know the key combination that they are using. Please could
 somebody tell me firstly what combination brings up the communicator
 floating toolbar, and secondly, how we can get rid of it forever.
 Thanks in advance....
 Katie Kinnear
 Assistant Systems Librarian
 Middlesex University
 Bounds Green Rd, London N11 2NQ
 Tel: +44 (0)181 362 6434 ; Fax: +44 (0)181 362 5163
 email: k.kinnear at

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