Push Technology: PLA Tech Note

GraceAnne A. DeCandido ladyhawk at well.com
Wed Aug 18 10:38:49 EDT 1999

Dear colleagues,
I have been writing a series of Web-based documents for the 
Public Library Association called Tech Notes, and once 
again I turn to the font of collective wisdom for some input. I 
am currently working on Push Technology.
I have in hand Dan Walters' collection of papers on Push 
from the 1998 ALA conference, and Dan is my PLA 
technology committee liaison on this one. I would appreciate 
hearing from public libraries who are using Push 
technology: either through e-materials sent to them, such as 
PointCast on their intranets; or Push that they supply, such as 
new acquisitions lists or other e-mailed information that they 
send to patrons.
I haven't done the periodical/Web research yet on this one (I 
have just begun) but I would also love any citations you can 
supply that show use of Push in libraries.
You can email me what you and your library have done, or 
simply tell me that I can call and interview you. I can also 
supply an email interview.
Thanks as ever for your continuing support. The Tech Notes 
already completed are:
Electronic Statistics: Counting Crows

Video Teleconferencing: Here, There, and Everywhere

Intranets: The Web Inside

Metadata: Always More Than You Think

DOI: The Persistence of Memory

The Tech Note on Wireless Networks should be posted soon.
Best, GraceAnne

GraceAnne A. DeCandido
Blue Roses Editorial and Web Consulting
350 E. 236th St.
Bronx, NY 10470-2104
voice: 718/994-7794  * fax: 718/994-9851
E-mail ladyhawk at well.com
"The use of language is all we have to pit against death and silence."
--Joyce Carol Oates

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