[WEB4LIB] Time control scripts?

Vidar Ringstr|m vidar at larvik.folkebibl.no
Mon Aug 30 08:35:29 EDT 1999

On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, Karen G. Schneider wrote:

> using Phonedisk but how much time they spent on the 'net, which may
> actually be what we're really trying to control, now that I mull this
> over... in which case, a browser-based solution would work.  Your
> reflections here would be useful, too.)

One approach to solving this might be to use NTs AT command
together with Jeffrey Harris WINDOWS NT ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLSET aka AINTX at:

His package contains familiar Unixtools like kill, ps, top and crontab.
One could "grep" the PID from AINTXs "ps" and pipe it into "kill" and put
the whole thing into a crontabentry to be run every hour or something via
NTs AT. This would kill a browser at set times, not very elegant but ...  
Hilsen Vidar
Vidar Ringstr|m            Larvik bibliotek
Tlf: 33 18 63 01           Boks 2001 Stubber|d
Fax: 33 18 79 05           3255 Larvik
"Tralala lilla molntuss, kom hit skall du f} en puss!" B.Hund

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