FIX/Resend: Pasting text into an applet window?

ernest perez perez at
Wed Apr 28 15:07:47 EDT 1999

Oops, sorry. I entered CTRL-P into my question, which is an error. 

Our problem is that CTRL-V doesn't work for pasting; complicated by the fact that the Java applet EDIT pulldown does NOT have a Paste option. So we can't paste strings.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Pasting text into an applet window?
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 10:23:15 -0700
From: ernest perez <perez at>
Organization: Oregon State Library
To: Web4Lib <web4lib at>,st-lib <st-lib at>,st-gils <st-gils at>

Got a Windows question, just trolling for "experts" who might happen to know....

Here at the Oregon State Library, we are using Netscape Compass as a hierarchy/spider-index site builder. One option is that we can define search queries to use for automatic categorization during spidering.

The autoclassification definition or input screen uses a Java applet. We CAN'T use copy&paste from a regular Netscape or Windows screen, to carry over complicated search query statements; there is no CTRL-P paste in the Java applet. Or rather, pasting is dysfunctional while entering into the applet window.

Do you have any advice on how one might copy&paste into an applet? Retyping can get pretty tedious and is prone to error, if it's a complex query. It would be quite helpful if we could do so.

I'd appreciate any suggestions.

Ernest Perez, Ph.D.//Oregon State Library
//perez at, xt 257
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 drab places where people sit in silence, and that's
 been the main reason for our policy of employing
 wild animals as librarians."  --Monty Python

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