[WEB4LIB] Internet Troubleshooting

Margaret F. Dikel mfriley at erols.com
Tue Apr 27 09:36:49 EDT 1999

>(c) if you were assigned the above topic, either as presenter or auditor, 
>what would be key items that you would want to cover/learn about?

Just a few questions I'm always getting

What's a DNS and why can't they find things?
All those 404 401 etc messages you get when you connect to something
   that isn't there?
How come that web site was there yesterday and isn't there today (probably
  closely related to DNS)?

I think you should also use some of the Stupid Error Messages 
collected at http://ezzell.org/Error_Contest/Error_Contest.html
to help lighten up the affair.  Some of them are really good.


Margaret Dikel, MSLIS    
11218 Ashley Dr.                The Riley Guide
Rockville, MD  20852         www.rileyguide.com
301-984-4229                    www.dbm.com/jobguide
301-984-6390 FAX           mfriley at erols.com

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