[WEB4LIB] Web Counter

John Rosenhamer JROSENHAMER at okc.cc.ok.us
Thu Apr 22 08:43:16 EDT 1999


I use FastConter  http://fastcounter.linkexchange.com/
Like it --- very much.  It is inobtrusive, and they send you stats
each week.  And the last months stats are there to compair 
this months to.

Its free --- they ask you to tell some others about it.
Best thing since sliced bread.


John H. Rosenhamer
Technical Services Librarian
Oklahoma City Community College
7777 S. May Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK   73159

 jrosenhamer at okc.cc.ok.us
(405) 682-1611 Ext. 7229
 Fax: (405) 682-7585

>>> jay <jay at ccpl.ci.corpus-christi.tx.us> 04/21 10:36 AM >>>

I am looking for a web counter. I would prefer one that is not a graphic.
In other words; one that is text-based. It might say something to the
effect of: "you are visitor number# 190003, etc.

Are there javascripts for this? Cold Fusion, etc.

Thanks in advance for any information.


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