[WEB4LIB] How to handle a large number of images

Donna Stewart d.stewart at csuohio.edu
Tue Apr 13 13:41:55 EDT 1999

I like ThumbsPlus, from Cerious Software.  You can download a fully functional 30-day trial from http://www.cerious.com/

Donna Stewart
Cleveland State University Library
Cleveland, Ohio

-----Original Message-----
From:	mad [SMTP:doylem at ecsuc.ctstateu.edu]
Sent:	Tuesday, April 13, 1999 12:36 PM
To:	Multiple recipients of list
Subject:	[WEB4LIB] How to handle a large number of images

Could anyone recommend the best way to organize a large number of images related to one particular project.
Are there databases specifically designed for images?  Any information would be appreciated.

Mary Anne Doyle
Systems Librarian

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