[WEB4LIB] Intermediate/Advanced Internet class

Charlotte G. Greenhalgh cgreenhalgh at antiochne.edu
Thu Apr 8 10:15:08 EDT 1999

I also teach internet classes, beginner to advanced. I find that for our
students advanced courses fall into 2 categorie: search strategies and
technical stuff like downloading, telnet, etc. 

For the search strategies I begin to define the differences between a
commercial database and the internet and I focus on specific examples of
search strategies.  I find most  students can remember the basics from
beginner and intemediate levels, but need a refresher course with more
specific examples. I look at Hotbot Altavista Refine Your  Search and
Northern Light specifically plus Excite or Lycos as well. 

 For the technical stuff I cover downloading applications and installing
(acrobat reader, real player for instance),  how to find what you just
downloaded on your harddrive, virus protection, cookies and channels.

I do all this in one and two credit classes, so you may find that you need
more than 1 hour.   Hope this helps.

Many thanks,

Charlotte Greenhalgh
Systems Librarian
Antioch New England Graduate School Library
40 Avon Street    Keene, NH  03431     603 357 3122 x330
cgreenhalgh at antiochne.edu

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