[WEB4LIB] Re: Test page, please look and comment

Andrew I. Mutch amutch at waterford.lib.mi.us
Sat Apr 17 07:36:13 EDT 1999


I'll repeat my previous plug for Jakob Nielsen's site useit.com:


Previously with Sun Microsystems, Mr. Nielsen is considered by many to be
the leading voice on creating usable web sites.  Although his columns
focus more on the "theory" of usability, they include many excellent
real-world suggestions on how to make your sites more usable for your
visitors.  Plus, he provides links to many great resources which get
the nitty-gritty of designing usable web sites.  

Also of great value are the columns from Webreview at:


focusing on Navigation, Usability, Web Design, and also the Web Architect
columns.  A number of these columns have been written by the people from
Argus Associates, including Lou Rosenfeld, whose book (along with Peter
Morville) "Information Architecture for the World Wide Web" is a good
place to get started on understanding and implementing user-friendly web
design at both the page and site levels. 

Andrew Mutch
Library Systems Technician
Waterford Township Public Library
Waterford, MI

On Fri, 16 Apr 1999, Mike Nyerges wrote:

> To drop down or not to drop? that is certainly one important question. It's tough
> to get as much as possible on the first page and in the top fold and with the
> organization that leads your patrons to the resources they're seeking.  For an
> alternative, consider http://www.canandaigua.k12.ny.us/academy/library/ although
> in turth, I am already planning some substantial changes.
> I read an article recently, (InfoWorld?), about some high powered design experts
> analyzing a major vendor's site (Apple?) who discovered that (gasp!) there were
> some Web newbies who didn't know they could page down!
> I'd be cautious, however, about mixing telnet resources and Web-based ones in the
> same drop-down, which I found at http://www.indiana.edu/~libfind/.
> Any research out there to help us produce more effective designs?  I'll check the
> archives.
> Michael Nyerges
> http://www.canandaigua.k12.ny.us/academy/library/
> (Home) mailto:nyerges at cheshire.roc.servtech.com
> (Work) mailto:MNyerges at wfmail.canandaigua.k12.ny.us
> >
> >
> > Ours is at http://www.indiana.edu/~libfind/
> > Indiana University Libraries
> >
> > The URL for the test library page is:
> >  http://www.morrisville.edu/pages/library/b.htm
> >
> >

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