FW: [WEB4LIB] Webmaster stats

Thomas Edelblute tedelblu at usiu.edu
Wed Sep 16 19:52:32 EDT 1998

Another thought along these lines, how many librarians have any formal
computer training.  I may be a systems librarian at USIU, but I have no
paperwork that says I am qualified to  work with computer systems. This
was just suppose to be a hobby for me, not a career the way it has been.
Therefore, most of what I know is self-taught (with the help of a
few-listserves) :-)

Thomas Edelblute

-----Original Message-----
From: Shane Nackerud [mailto:snackeru at tc.umn.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 1998 11:25 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [WEB4LIB] Webmaster stats

On Wed, 16 Sep 1998, Wilfred Drew wrote:

> I would almost bet that most webmasters for libraries are also
> If not, they should be.

I'd like to chime in on this previous discussion of exactly how many
library webmasters have the MLS.  A colleague and I recently conducted a
survey of ARL library webmasters and I think some of the preliminary
statistics we have gathered could prove of use.  88 ARL libraries
responded.  Of those 88, 70% of the webmasters had an MLS.  Of the
webmasters with the MLS, only 30% knew another language besides HTML
most of the time this was javascript).  Of the webmasters without the
they almost always knew another programming language, especially Perl.
course, there is much more data than this.  We hope to turn the data
some sort of article in the near future.


Shane Nackerud		   
Web Services Coordinator
University of Minnesota Libraries
108 Walter Library
117 Pleasant Street S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0291
(612) 625-7880

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