monitor resolution

Kevin Justie kjustie at nslsilus.ORG
Mon Oct 12 17:13:49 EDT 1998

In the context of designing web pages (to answer the question of how much
content will be seen on the first screen?), has anyone ever seen any
studies on what monitor resolutions people use?  Monitor sales figures
don't answer the question since most (all?) monitors support multiple
resolutions.  What I'm looking for is number of people using 640x480,
800x600, 1024x768, etc.


Kevin Justie
Head of Technical and Automated Services
Morton Grove Public Library, Morton Grove, IL
(847) 965-4220
kjustie at
Opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect
official Library policy.

***   "The box said Windows 95 or better,...So I bought a Mac."   ***

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