[WEB4LIB] Re: New From Filtering Facts

Paul H. Gray phgray at tcjc.cc.tx.us
Mon Oct 19 11:19:10 EDT 1998

>. . .
I just can't get fired up about someone sending
>out information about the other side of an issue that has direct bearing on
>what libraries do.  
>. . .

Whutakuntry :)
Don't you love people -
Those who shout the loudest about freedom of speech, freedom of expression
ad infinitum -
Are so often the same ones who shout the loudest when someone exercises
those freedoms to espouse a view with which they disagree --

This is NOT a criticism of anyone on this list - but a comment on human
nature - a very interesting side of which just happens to be illustrating
itself here.

Will anyone admit remembering the '60's?
Some of us marched and stormed the barricades for everyone's right to do
"their own thing".  

But - if --your-- "thing" happened to be wearing a suit and tie -- or even
worse -- a uniform -- you might be lucky to get out of town with your skin
intact :)

I'm not convinced that this whole filtering debate will ever generate
solutions worthy of all the time and energy expended on it - -but --
If we are gonna have it -- and call our selves proponents of free thought
-- we have to be willing to put up with ALL sides.

Free to be - you and me --- as long as you think just like me :)

All standard disclaimers apply  

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