[WEB4LIB] url re-direct script

Joy Schwarz schwarz at AXP.WINNEFOX.ORG
Tue Oct 6 13:33:09 EDT 1998

You can put this meta tag in the head of the old HTML source code:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="10; URL=http://www.whaterver.org/">

Just substitute www.whaterver.org/ for the new URL.  The 10 in the meta 
tag is the number of seconds the old URL will wait until redirecting the
user to the new URL, and you can adjust that to meet your/your users' needs.

Joy Schwarz                           |  Any sufficiently
Web Coordinator/I.L.L. Librarian      |  advanced technology
Winnefox Library System               |  is indistinguishable
Oshkosh, WI  USA                      |  from magic. 
http://axp.winnefox.org               |      Clarke's Third Law  	
                                             Arthur C. Clarke

On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, Wen, Shixing wrote:

> Is anyone using a url re-direct script? I'm looking for a script that
> will automatically connects the user to the new url from the old one.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Shixing Wen
> Florida Gulf Coast University

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