[WEB4LIB] Pointer Records for Metadata

Brian Nielsen b-nielsen at nwu.edu
Thu Nov 5 12:44:10 EST 1998

David's question about PDF metadata leads me to suggest that the web
publishing community approach Adobe to ask that they support IMS metadata
and Dublin Core within the metadata framework that currently exists for
PDF.  One can add title, author,  and keyword info into a PDF file now, and
such an approach seems to me much more manageable than the dissociation of
the metadata from the file that David suggests.

I copy this note to technical folks at Adobe; maybe they have some


		Brian Nielsen, Ph.D.
		Manager, Learning Technologies Group
		Academic Technologies
		Northwestern University
		2129 N. Campus Drive
		Evanston, IL  60208-2850
		(847)491-2170   fax:(847)491-3824
		email: b-nielsen at nwu.edu

At 09:24 AM 11/5/98 -0800, you wrote:
>I'm embedding metadata in our HTML files.  However, more of our files
>are going up in PDF format.  These are unable to have metadata embedded.
>It is possible to create a pointer record holding only metadata and a
>redirect to the PDF file.  That way spiders could find a record, display
>a title, description and URL and the user could be directed invisibly to
>the PDF file.
>Sounds workable to me.  Is there something I'm overlooking?

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