[WEB4LIB] Re: As if lousy HTML editors weren't bad enough...

Nick Arnett listbot at mccmedia.com
Thu Nov 5 12:02:00 EST 1998

At 08:45 AM 11/5/98 -0800, Darryl Friesen wrote:

>Ok, perhaps that's a bit harsh, but I can't fathom any self-respecting
>programmer who claims to know _anything_ about the Internet, _purposefully_
>writing a program that would do such a horrific thing to an HTML document,
>pass it off as a good thing.

I think perhaps people are assuming that the "optimized" HTML becomes the
archival source, which does not need to be.  One can keep the source for
editing and use optimization as a final process before publication.  If it
reduces the size significantly on popular pages, there could be a real
bandwidth savings.  The only people it would be "bad" for would be those
who wanted to use the optimized source.  I've pretty well given up on the
idea of using the source HTML from most really popular pages -- it's too
hard to deconstruct tables and such.


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