[WEB4LIB] IMS METADATA = Press Release - March 23, 1998
Lisa Roberts
robertsl at libraryserver.lib.csus.edu
Wed Nov 11 14:16:41 EST 1998
On the March 23, 1998 Press Release
"The IMS specifications build on current industry standards and
support multiple platforms. The labels include those
proposed as the Dublin Core by a working group of
the Online Computer Library Center, Inc., located in
Dublin, OH. "
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 13:57:48 -0800 (PST)
Reply-to: Theobald at ihets.org
From: Matt <Theobald at ihets.org>
To: Multiple recipients of list <web4lib at webjunction.org>
Subject: [WEB4LIB] IMS METADATA = Press Release - March 23, 1998
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How does the IMS Metadata Project interface with the Dublin Core? or
does it?
No mention of DC on the site, not presented in an ovious way if it is
indeed there.
Matt Theobald
Information Specialist
Indiana Higher Education Telecommunication System
See http://www.ihets.org
Ring 317.263.8919
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<H1>IMS Press Release</H1>For Immediate Release<P>INFORMATION CONTACT:<BR=
>Denis Newman<BR>Director of Market Development<BR>IMS Project<BR>(650) 8=
52-9204<BR>denis at cdl.edu<P><B><FONT FACE=3D"Times,Times New Roman" SIZE=3D=
4><P>Developers Participate in First Workshop on New Search Technology fo=
r Internet-based Learning Content</P><P>Implementation of IMS Meta-data S=
tandards Expected by Early 1999</P></FONT><P>Washington, DC, July 30, 199=
8.</B> The EDUCAUSE IMS project is holding its first workshop today for d=
evelopers of Internet-based education and training materials. The develop=
ers plan to label their materials and content repositories with meta-data=
, a technology that will make the materials easier to find on the Interne=
t. The workshop is an important step toward turning the IMS specification=
s for meta-data, released earlier this year <A HREF=3D"http://www.imsproj=
> into products. Workshop organizers expect the meta-data technology to b=
e in widespread use by teachers, trainers, university faculty as well as =
by students, parents and workers during 1999. </P><P>Meta-data is the dig=
ital equivalent of the label on a can of soup that describes the ingredie=
nts, nutritional value, manufacturer, and price. These digital labels whe=
n published on the Internet constitute an enormous distributed index that=
will transform the way people search for materials on the Web. Today, fo=
r example, a biology instructor looking for a Web site, an online simulat=
ion, or a reference to conventional instructional materials can use a sta=
ndard search engine to match a phrase typed into the search field. This m=
ethod is clumsy and is likely to produce so many hits that useful materia=
l, if found at all, is buried in a long list of irrelevant items. In the =
future that the workshop attendees are preparing for, the instructor will=
give the search engine a set of specific criteria such as "advanced coll=
ege level", "genetics", "simulation", "site license available" through pu=
ll down menus. The instructor's search draws on repositories of content, =
catalogs, and individual web sites. Publishers of educational content of =
any kind will apply a standard set of labels to their Web-accessible mate=
rials as well as to their online catalogs of conventional materials makin=
g them searchable by teachers, training developers, parents and students =
anywhere on the Internet. </P><P>The attendees of this workshop, and a si=
milar one to be held on August 6 on the West Coast, represent 45 higher e=
ducation organizations, developers and publishers of educational and trai=
ning materials, and government projects. </P><P>The University of Central=
Florida is attending the workshop in preparation for the conversion of 2=
00 Web-based and Web-enhanced courses to an IMS-enabled content server. J=
oel L. Hartman, Vice Provost, said, "the IMS meta-data combined with the =
new search engines, will allow us to list our Web-based courses to studen=
ts throughout Florida or the world. UCF is also developing an IMS-enabled=
repository for use with WebCT and working on enriching the meta-data fra=
mework". Simon & Schuster, which recently joined IMS as an investor, =
is attending the workshop to further define plans to use IMS meta-data in=
their content repositories. These systems, Digital Archive and Emissary,=
will serve higher education distance learning and distribute content sec=
urely to current and future markets. Many of the vendors of management to=
ols for college-level courses are also attending the workshop.</P><P>Addr=
essing the need for easily accessible training materials, the US Departme=
nt of Labor's ALX Consortium is attending the workshop as a step toward u=
se of IMS meta-data throughout America's Learning Exchange, a repository =
and clearinghouse of workforce training courses. David Morman, a senior m=
anager with the Employment and Training Administration who serves as the =
Federal Project Director for this initiative, explained, "Our agency has =
recently joined the IMS project as an investment member in order to assur=
e that we have access to the technical know-how to make ALX a leading exe=
mplar of the industry standard as well as to influence the ongoing improv=
ement of the standard". The major courseware authoring tool companies and=
training content publishers are also sending representatives to the work=
shops.</P><P>Groups building repositories and management tools to help te=
achers and parents of school age children find educational materials are =
represented at the workshop. The ERIC Clearinghouse Gateway to Educationa=
l Materials(GEM) project, housed at Syracuse University is building a rep=
ository of K-12 materials that is being coded with educational meta-data.=
The GEM group is funded by the US Department of Education and will be wo=
rking with the National Institute for Standards and Technologies and othe=
r IMS participants across the industry to develop common dictionaries of =
terms and extensions to the IMS scheme. Nitin S. Naik, Executive Director=
of the NASA Classroom of the Future project at Wheeling Jesuit Universit=
y, commented, "The IMS meta-data will make a substantial difference in th=
e accessibility of the content we are building using NASA's repositories =
of data and images. This will let teachers get immediately to the applica=
tions, lessons and other tools that are right for their classroom goals."=
</P><P><P ALIGN=3D"CENTER"><HR WIDTH=3D"50%"></P>The Instructional Manag=
ement Systems (IMS) Project was initiated inFebruary 1997 by Educom, a no=
n-profit consortium of 600 colleges anduniversities and 100 corporate ass=
ociates seeking to transform education through the use of information tec=
hnology. On July 1, 1998, Educom merged with CAUSE to form EDUCAUSE <A HR=
EF=3D"http://www.educause.edu/">(http://www.educause.edu).</A> The new or=
ganization has offices in Washington, DC and Boulder, Colorado. The IMS g=
oal is widespread adoption of a technical specification for management to=
ols and learning content for the Internet. All IMS specifications and sof=
tware are made publicly available at no cost. Thirty-one organizations ha=
ve made substantial investments in the IMS project and continue active in=
volvement in the technical work. IMS investment members are: Apple Comput=
er,Asymetrix, AT&T Learning Network, @Learning, Buena Vista Universit=
y,California State University, COLLEGIS, COLLEGIS Research Institute,Comm=
ittee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), Educational Testing Service, Em=
power Corporation, Farance Inc., George Mason University, IBM Education,I=
nternational Thomson Publishing, KPMG Peat Marwick, Miami-Dade CommunityC=
ollege, Macromedia, Microsoft, National Institute of Standards and Techno=
logy (NIST), Oracle, Peoplesoft, Simon & Schuster, Sun Microsystems, =
Unisys, University of California, University of Michigan, University of N=
orth Carolina at Chapel Hill, UK Joint Information Systems Committee, USD=
epartment of Defense, US Department of Labor. The IMS staff are drawn fro=
mCalifornia State University's Center for Distributed Learning, from the =
COLLEGIS Research Institute, and from other member organizations. Blackb=
oard Inc. is developing specifications and example implementations under =
contract in collaboration with other project members. Additional informat=
ion on the IMS project can be found at <A HREF=3D"http://www.imsproject.o=
rg/">http://www.imsproject.org.</A></P><P> <p ALIGN=3D"CENTER">##<=
/font></p> <hr SIZE=3D"3" align=3D"center"> <p align=3D"cen=
ter"><a HREF=3D"index.html">Home</a> | <a HREF=3D"MDintro.html">Introduct=
ion</a> | <a HREF=3D"MDusing.html">Using Meta-data</a> | <a HREF=3D=
"../md_overview.html">Specification</a> | <a HREF=3D"MDmanaging.ht=
ml">Managing Meta-data</a> | <a HREF=3D"http://www.collegis.org/pa=
rtners/IMS/public.nsf/By+Category">Forum</a> | <a HREF=3D"http://p=
latform.imsproject.org:8080/mdtool/">Meta-data Tool</a> </td> </tr> =
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