Problem with onUnload with Netscape 4.04

Luc Grondin grondin.luc at
Mon May 11 17:10:07 EDT 1998


I while back someone posted a message regarding this JavaScript Event
handler.  I have a problem too.

I am using a "" to have an information window open when the user
click on a hyperlink.  I would like to make sure that this window closes
when the patron leaves the parent Web page.  This is what I did:

  <script language="Javascript1.1">
  var info = null;
  function Fenetre(URL)
  <BODY onUnload="info.close()">
  <A HREF="JavaScript:Fenetre('codes.html')">liste des codes</A>

It works, but I get an error message when I reload the page, after having
closed the child window: "info has no properties".  In other words, if I
try to leave the parent window without having the child window opened, I
get the error message.

I guess that I will have to replace the "info.close" by a function that
checks if the child windows is opened: do nothing if it is not there,
info.close() if the info window exists.

Any idea?

I could put a "setTimeout" in the child Window, but I find that solution
less elegant.

Thank you in advance for your help

               Luc Grondin
  Services informatises des bibliotheques
      Universite du Quebec a Montreal

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