advice on a 3270 client for Windows 95

Kirk Sansom kirks at
Mon May 11 17:04:48 EDT 1998

I have been assigned the task of investigating a 3270 Client for Windows
95.  I don't know much about it and am in need of advice from some
experienced users out there.   First, I cant test any clients, because,
we don't have access to such a server yet.  I prefer commercial software
over shareware, and I want something that is user-friendly, if that
might be a concern.  I'm only assuming that a 3270 client might be
similar to a telnet client.  Am I right?

I ran across and downloaded one shareware client, QWS3270 PLUS Demo.  I
can't test because I don't have access to the 3270.  

1) So, is this a good one?  ... the best?
2) What features should I look for?
3) Are there any commercial products out there?
4) Is there a 3270 server I can log into for testing, etc.



Kirk Sansom
kirks at
Mississippi Library Commission
Jackson, MS


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 |      @                Kirk Sansom                ()   |   |
 |    < /-i         MS Library Commission         i~\#>  |   |
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 |      /           Jackson, MS 39209-0700          \    |   |
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