Documenting Web Site

Arlene Mcbride arlenemc at
Tue May 5 23:48:52 EDT 1998

On Mon, 4 May 1998, Dianne Harmon wrote:

> I can't seem to find this subject in the archives (got so distracted
> following links for what I did find that I almost forgot to post this
> question).
> How do you -- or do you -- document your own web site?  I started with a
> hard copy printout of all the pages.  I added to the file everytime we
> changed something.  We are committed to updating twice/month (not too bad
> since the person handling this is really my young adult librarian who
> likes to do web sites).  
> Dianne Harmon					dharmon at
> Associate Director				815-740-2660 or
> Joliet Public Library				   815-740-2679
> 150 N. Ottawa					fax 815-740-6161
> Joliet IL 60432
Hi Dianne,

Two effective ways of storing all previous and current HTML coded pages
are 1) create a backup disk 2)as individual directories in your operating
system (eg. Unix).  This way your files are always accessible and can 
be easily updated.  Just be sure that you make the older version
unreadable so that you do not end up with someone viewing old information
on your site.

Hope this helps.  

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