Win 95 vs. NT

Wed Mar 18 18:36:56 EST 1998

We want to upgrade our library lab (which is used for BI as well as
individual student use) and our public PAC stations to NT (they are 3.11
now).  However, all the other labs on campus are going to be Win 95
so the group funding this is reluctant to let us go to NT.  Our 
arguments are:
 - NT is easier to administer
 - NT is more secure
 - we'll all be going to NT eventually
 - all the programs we plan to run (MS Office Pro, web browser, telnet, 
   library apps) are fine on NT

They argue:
 - 95 is just as easy to administer and secure
 - all the student labs should be the same 
 - you can't run DOS or 16-bit applications

I hope some of you ahead of us can help me.  *Is* NT better for administering
and security?  What are the realistic limitations on the programs that
can be run? How much difference would an average student see between 95
and NT?  What other arguments can we use?

Thank you, thank you to anyone who can help.  

DeAnne Luck
Electronic Resources Librarian
Austin Peay State University
LuckDL at

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