WS_FTP settings

emiller at emiller at
Tue Mar 17 13:48:00 EST 1998

Elizabeth -

Open WS_FTP.  Adjust the menus to where you want them.  Click on the options
button and select the "Sessions" option. Look for the box that says "Save
Directory Names" and click on it.  It will save your opening and destination
directories.  I am running the Windows 95 version, but the older versions had
the same setting options.

Hope this helps.

Elisa Miller                                          "Whatever you can do or
Institute for Scientific Information        dream you can, begin it.
3501 Market Street                            Boldness has genius, power
Philadelphia, Pa 19104                       and magic in it."
(215)386-0100 x 1395                                             Goethe
emiller at

-----Original Message-----
From:     felt at at INTERNET
Sent:     Tuesday, March 17, 1998 1:21 PM
To:     web4lib at at INTERNET
Subject:     WS_FTP settings

Can anyone tell me how to set WS_FTP so that it opens to a specific
drive and directory? When I first loaded it on our public workstation, it
opened to the c:/temp directory, which is where I want it.

Now, it opens to a different drive and it is difficult for some of our
students to find c:/temp, which is where their files are stored.

I am running WS_FTP version 1.1 (I think), on Windows NT and on
Windows for Workgroups 3.11.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Elizabeth

Elizabeth Caulfield Felt
Reference Librarian
Washington State University
Pullman, WA  99164-5610
felt at

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