electronic texts & z39.50

Mary Elise Haug mehaug at incolsa.palni.edu
Thu Jul 2 15:52:45 EDT 1998

I'm trying to find out if there are any efforts going on to provide a
z39.50 interface or front end for seaching electronic texts.  We have
SiteSearch software and there is some interest in creating a database out
of Project Gutenberg or similiar electronic texts and allowing them to be
accessed with the same interface used for commercial citation databases
(as opposed to web links).

Any info would be appreciated.

*Mary-Elise Haug                 *"Not even computers will    *
*INSPIRE System Administrator	 * replace committees because *
*Email: mehaug at incolsa.palni.edu * committees buy computers   *
*Phone: (317) 298 6570,ext. 127  *       --- Edward Mead      *
*Fax:  (317) 328 2382            *                            *
*INSPIRE website http://www.inspire-indiana.net               * 

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