Web-site Development Tools

Peter C. Gorman pcgorman at facstaff.wisc.edu
Wed Jul 22 08:58:46 EDT 1998

JQ Johnson  writes:

>Here's a test for all you hand-coders.  Suppose you have a web page
>containing a large table (say a half dozen columns and a score of rows,
>with some spanned rows and some cells containing nested tables.  Swap
>columns 2 and 3.
>That's a 10 sec chore using an HTML editor that understands tables (even
>Microsoft Word).  It's a 10 min. chore using BBEdit.

OK. Now here's a test for all you "wysiwyg" coders. Get your document to
validate. How long did that take? (stop smirking, HotMetal people!)

Peter C. Gorman
Automation Librarian
University of Wisconsin-Madison
General Library System Automation Services
pcgorman at facstaff.wisc.edu
(608) 265-5291

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