Organizing bookmarks in Netscape

Joy Schwarz schwarz at AXP.WINNEFOX.ORG
Wed Jul 15 11:42:54 EDT 1998

Kate -

You may wish to look at Netscape's Tech Support page at
<>.  According to it, 
Communicator 4.x "cannot sort bookmarks by name".  Netscape also offers a
FAQ about bookmarks at <>.

Joy Schwarz                           |  Any sufficiently
Web Coordinator/I.L.L. Librarian      |  advanced technology
Winnefox Library System               |  is indistinguishable
Oshkosh, WI  USA                      |  from magic.               |      Clarke's Third Law  	
                                             Arthur C. Clarke

> I recently upgraded to Netscape Communicator from 3.1 and have somehow
> lost the ability to sort the entries in my bookmark files alphabetically
> (I have many bookmark files and hundreds of entries, so this is no small
> problem.)  In the old version of Netscape, I remember that "sort
> bookmarks" would do the trick, but no matter what I try now, the "sort
> ascending" and "sort descending" options on the view menu in bookmarks
> is not available to me.  I've tried everything.  What am I missing?
> Thanks much
> Kate Bronislawski
> Manager, Resource Center
> American Zoo and Aquarium Association
> kbronislawski at

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