Telnet to circ module?

Katharine McCann Katharine.Mccann at
Wed Jul 15 10:17:53 EDT 1998

there's a fabulous shareware telnet tool called Anzio.  Look at  Prints and everything.  The guy who runs the
company is incredibly helpful.  KTM

Michael Poulin wrote:
> One thing to note with the DRA system is that if you use the standard telnet
> tool with Windows, mac, etc, the function keys might not be mapped properly
> as it is a VT 100 emulation and DRA needs a VT220 emulation.  We replace the
> standard telnet tool with a properly configured one.   We use QVT's telnet
> for most machines and WRQ's Reflections for catalog maintenance (because of
> diacritical characters).
> Mike
> ---------------------------------------------
> Mike Poulin
> Systems Librarian
> Ithaca College Library
> 1201 Gannett Center
> Ithaca, NY 14850
> 607-274-1892
> mpoulin at

KT McCann, Technology Manager
Euclid Public Library, A CLEVNET member
631 E. 222nd Street | Euclid, OH  44123
(216) 261-5300 x26  | ktm at

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