IKIOSK and Netscape Communicator 4.0

Charles P. Hobbs transit at primenet.com
Tue Jul 7 14:53:25 EDT 1998

In the library where I work, we have several PC's running Netscape
3.0, and secured by Ikiosk 2.04. So far everything worked fine.

Then, I started to upgrade to Netscape 4.0.5,  and discovered that
Ikiosk doesn't work particularly well. First of all, since I already
had Netscape 3.0 in the "tree", Ikiosk wouldn't let me add 4.0 to 
the tree, saying that "Netscape is already in the tree". So I removed
3.0 and then tried to install 4.0 into the tree, but then Ikiosk 
sent a message "Could not find menus in this application". Finally,
I tried to use the "record" feature on the menus I wanted to disable,
but Ikiosk didn't seem to have any effect on them (recorded menus which I
had clearly marked 'disabled' were still available)

Has anyone else had problem,s using Netscape 4.0 and Ikiosk? How
about Internet Explorer 4.0?

Thanks. . .

Charles P. Hobbs                          __  __     ____  ___       ___ ____
transit at primenet.com                     /__)/__) / / / / /_  /\  / /_    /
                                        /   / \  / / / / /__ /  \/ /___  /

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