Filtered Internet Service Provider

Filtering Facts David_Burt at
Tue Jan 27 23:34:40 EST 1998

Donald Barclay wrote:
>Heard a radio commercial for the first time this morning about a Houston
>internet provider (forget the name) which is offering "filtered internet
>service." Instead of putting filtering software on your computer, the
>filtering is done at the source. This is a new one on me. The come-on line
>in the ad is that the interent has sites "that would make Larry Flynt blush."

This is becoming more and more popular.  There's even a word for them:
"clean ISPs".  This is an attractive choice for parents who don't want to
tinker with filtering software they don't understand and their kids will
probably be able to defeat if they really want to.  A filtered ISP is nearly
impossible for a smart-alec kid to defeat.  

I've also talked to a couple of filtering vendors who were very optimistic
about the potential money to be made selling filters to ISPs.  I hear there
has even been some suggestions of *requiring ISPs by law* to offer filtered
access as a choice.  They have a point: it really isn't fair to put the
burden entirely on the parents.

David Burt, Filtering Facts, HTTP://WWW.FILTERINGFACTS.ORG
David_Burt at

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