online encyclopedias

George Emery emeryg at
Tue Jan 27 14:58:46 EST 1998

Just today I created links on our college library web pages to both 
Britannica Online and Grolier Online with Encyclopedia Americana for 
a head to head competition. We have both these trial subscriptions 
until Feb 28 and hopefully we will have enough comments from our 
faculty, staff and users to make comparisons beyond price.

George Emery
Library Systems Coordinator
Canisius College
emeryg at

> Is Britannica the only encyclopedia available online with a site
> license?  Everyone seems to like it pretty well - what are some of its
> disadvantages?  Anybody have another they like better?
> Also, we're thinking about getting a "Reference CD workstation" to 
> handle stand alone CD reference-type titles.  What are people's 
> favorites (not GPO - we've got them on a Gov't Info workstation)?
> Thanks!
> DeAnne Luck
> Electronic Resources Librarian
> Austin Peay State University
> LuckDL at

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