Specifying Size When Launching New Browser Window

Linda Absher absher at lclark.edu
Fri Jan 23 13:12:19 EST 1998

I've searched the archives without success:  I have a frame-based web site
listing various web-based databases.  What I want to do is have a new
browser window to launch when clicking on a database; however, I'd like to
be able to dictate the _size_ of the window once it's launched.  I suspect
I'll have to use a javascript, but I'm wondering if there's a way to do it
in the TARGET tag.

Mucho thanks in advance.


Linda Ueki Absher		absher at lclark.edu
Reference Librarian		(503) 768-7287       FAX: (503) 768-7282
Lewis & Clark College 		Portland, OR 97219
		No, I *don't* know Monica Lewinsky!!

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