timely Internet news

Ken Varnum kvarnum at ford.com
Fri Jan 16 13:00:35 EST 1998

There are several such services (I had seen such a thing a while ago and just did a quick search in HotBot for "Internet Weather Services":

UCLA Internet Weather Report

Internet Weather Report

And multitudinous others.  All these reports seem to be from the perspective of the host providing the report; I haven't found one that summarizes multiple reports into some kind of general "forecast" for the U.S. or Europe.

Ken Varnum
Ford Motor Company

From: 	Katherine Kendall[SMTP:kk at harborcom.net]
Sent: 	Friday, January 16, 1998 12:24 PM
To: 	Multiple recipients of list
Subject: 	timely Internet news

Dear Web4libbers,
	Friday morning 16th I was doing a demonstration of search
engines to media specialists from the local schools.  I couldn't
get into a single one!  My director was having a terrible time
sending email.  We decided the Internet was greying out somewhere.

Is there a site that gives up-to-date traffic reports on the Internet?
We managed to work around it, and of course all the commercial sites
like Netscape popped right up.  It might be a useful service for some
enterprising commercial site to provide. Regional crashes (weather,
backhoes, overloads), national and international tie-ups, etc, sort of
like an Internet weather report. 

Kathy Kendall
mailto:kk at harborcom.net

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