Allan R Barclay abarclay at iupui.edu
Fri Jan 9 10:12:01 EST 1998

>Can someone tell me what ICQ is?  I have heard this mentioned in terms of
>Personal ICQ number and Web Page but don't have any concept of its meaning.

Its sort of like IRC without the channels and with lots of other bells and
whistles (e-mail, sending files, etc). You set up a list of people you can
contact and/or who can contact you rather than some channel where people
come and go to - realtime interaction without a browser or telnet session.
Great for emergency contacts and circumventing slow email systems, dreadful
in terms of productivity, just like IRC :-) Point your browser to
http://www.mirabilis.com for more details...


Allan R Barclay                         Email: abarclay at iupui.edu
Reference Librarian                     Voice: (317) 274-2254
Indiana University School of Medicine   Fax: (317) 274-4056
Ruth Lilly Medical Library          http://www.medlib.iupui.edu/medcai/
975 W. Walnut St.  IB 100         http://www.medlib.iupui.edu/students/
Indianapolis, IN  46202          http://www.medlib.iupui.edu/hw/neuro/

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