End of free E-mail?

Joy Schwarz schwarz at AXP.WINNEFOX.ORG
Thu Jan 8 12:44:05 EST 1998

Andrew -

You may want to read the "Important announcement to all Hotmail members" from 
Sabeer Bhatia (President and CEO of Hotmail) regarding the merger of Hotmail 
and Microsoft at <>.

Here's an excerpt:
  Fifth, the basic Hotmail service will always be free. While we will offer 
  premium services for a modest charge from time to time, Hotmail email remains 
  free - just as it has always been. 

Here's hoping he defines "always" the same way I do!

Joy Schwarz                    |  Any sufficiently
Interlibrary Loan Librarian    |  advanced technology
Winnefox Library System        |  is indistinguishable
Oshkosh, WI  USA               |  from magic. 
http://axp.winnefox.org        |      Clarke's Third Law  	
qajaqer at hotmail.com                   Arthur C. Clarke

On Thu, 8 Jan 1998, MRSCLIST wrote:

> I just read that Microsoft bought up Hotmail. Is this the end of free 
> e-mail as we know it?
> Andrew Derby
> Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington
> 1200 5th Ave, Suite 1300
> Seattle, WA  98101
> 206-625-1300, Fax 206-625-1220
> http://www.mrsc.org

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