03.04.98 English to Spanish

John Walker jwalker at networx.on.ca
Wed Feb 4 10:50:55 EST 1998

At 11:36 PM 3/3/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Has anyone had success or attempted to translate english to spanish on the
>web? Either as a cgi or using a translation service? I've seen 10 cents a
>word is this that the norm?



Translations English, Spanish, French, Italian etc.

_/                                                        _/
_/        John S. Walker                                  _/
_/        Publisher, CSS Internet News (tm)               _/
_/        (Internet Training and Research)                _/
_/        PO Box 57247, Jackson Stn.,                     _/
_/        Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8P 4X1              _/
_/  Email jwalker at networx.on.ca                           _/
_/        http://www.networx.on.ca/~jwalker               _/
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_/        "To Teach is to touch a life forever"           _/
_/         On the Web one touch can reach so far!         _/
_/                                                        _/

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