how to print "source file" when viewing w/ Navigator

John Walker jwalker at
Tue Feb 3 14:23:28 EST 1998

Explorer uses Windows Write or Word Pad so it is simple to print.

Navigator uses it's own viewer.

To print 

1. Open any text editor

2. move back to Netscape's view source 

3. hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor over the area
to be copied. This will highlite it.

4. hold down the control ( ctrl ) key and then hit the " c ". This will
copy the contents to the clipboard.

5. switch to your text editor and either choose EDIT, PASTE from the menu
or hold down the control ( ctrl ) key and hit the " v " to paste.

At 10:07 AM 3/3/98 -0800, you wrote:
>I am able to print the source file w Internet Explorer but can't w/ 

_/                                                        _/
_/        John S. Walker                                  _/
_/        Publisher, CSS Internet News (tm)               _/
_/        (Internet Training and Research)                _/
_/        PO Box 57247, Jackson Stn.,                     _/
_/        Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8P 4X1              _/
_/  Email jwalker at                           _/
_/               _/
_/                                                        _/
_/        "To Teach is to touch a life forever"           _/
_/         On the Web one touch can reach so far!         _/
_/                                                        _/

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