W3Launch and Netscape 4.0

Glen Davies GLEN at rimu.cce.ac.nz
Sun Feb 22 18:49:38 EST 1998


I had the same problem and I fixed it by deleting the .w3l extension 
in the hkey_classes_root of the registry and also removing the 
w3launch mimetype from navigator. Then go into windows explorer and 
double click one of the .w3l files in your w3launch directory, this 
should bring up the open with box. Select w3launch and make sure the 
"always use .. " box is ticked. When you restart navigator selecting 
a .w3l link should automatically work, no need to add a mime type 
manually as navigator 4 seems to read file type associations from the 
registry. You may get the open with or download box the first time 
you select a .w3l link but if you select  always open, don't 
prompt etc you should be away.


> We've been using W3launch to launch cd products off a web page
> successfully with Netscape 3 and 3.04. During the upgrade to Netscape
> 4.0 we noticed the following problem. When the link for the cd is
> clicked on,  the w3l viewer launches not the file that launches the
> program. So far we've tried editing the registry manually to configure
> the mime types and reconfiguring the mime types in Netscape 4.0.
> Any ideas?
> Catherine Parr
> Canterbury Public Library
Glen Davies
Information Technology Librarian
Christchurch College of Education
New Zealand
glen at rimu.cce.ac.nz
64-3-343 7737
"I've been drunk for about a week now, and I thought it might
 sober me up to sit in a library" F.Scott Fitzgerald
                                  The Great Gatsby, ch3

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