404 Not Found and IIS

Peter Konshak pkonshak at carmel.lib.in.us
Wed Feb 18 15:38:39 EST 1998


Does anyone know if it's possible using Microsoft's Internet Information
Server (3.0 or above) to set up an error page that is displayed instead of
the "HTTP/1.0 404 Object Not Found" error message when a user requests a
non-existant page?  Ideally, the error page would contain a message
explaining the error, and a link to a site search engine or site index of
some sort.  I've seen this feature on other sites, it is very helpful.


Peter Konshak                             pkonshak at carmel.lib.in.us
Computer Technology Coordinator		
Carmel Clay Public Library              http://www.carmel.lib.in.us

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