[WEB4LIB] HELP: GIF question

Bob Rasmussen ras at anzio.com
Thu Dec 17 12:33:08 EST 1998

On Thu, 17 Dec 1998, Diane Madrigal wrote:

> I have a GIF image that seems to change its appearance when I insert it in an HTML page.  If I view it in a browser (Netscape 3) by itself, the colors are clear. But when I use it in a web page, they take on a sort of patterned look. Can someone tell me why this happens, and whether I can do anything about it? (I didn't create the image, so any significant changes there are probably not an option.)
> Here are the URLs:
> http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/gis/temp/foursm.gif
> http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/gis/temp/dostest.htm
> Thanks!

Is your video running at 256 colors? If so, you probably have shifting of the
hardware palette happening. Unless the PC is very old and slow, I recommend
running with at least 16-bit color.

....Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.

personal e-mail: ras at anzio.com
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