UC Berkeley not seeking ALA accreditation
Ward Price
wprice at panam.edu
Tue Dec 15 18:31:44 EST 1998
Here's a message from another list that might be of interest to members of
this list.
>Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 15:39:02 +0000 (ECT)
>From: Corliss Lee <clee at library.berkeley.edu>
>Subject: UC Berkeley not seeking ALA accreditation
>Sender: Bibliographic Instruction Discussion Group
>To: Multiple recipients of list BI-L <BI-L at BINGVMB.CC.BINGHAMTON.EDU>
>X-To: Bibliographic Instruction Discussion Group
>Reply-to: Bibliographic Instruction Discussion Group
>The UC Berkeley School of Information Management and Systems (SIMS),
>formerly the School of Library and Information Studies, has decided not to
>seek ALA accreditation. According to the Daily Californian, the campus
>newspaper, the decision was made by the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and
>SIMS Dean because the administration finds accreditation for professional
>programs to be time-consuming, expensive and to have little discernible
>value. See the Daily Cal web site at
>Please send your comments to the following addresses. Physical letters,
>whether mailed or faxed, carry more weight than e-mail messages, but
>please send whatever you can. The university is closed beween December 24
>and January 3. I'm going to write as soon as possible, but in fact the
>campaign needs to take place both before and after the holidays; we can't
>let the issue die because of the holidays.
>Your message doesn't have to be long. Things you may want to include:
>* your current position and if it's relevant, what that includes
>(especially helpful if your position is technical but you still feel an
>ALA-accredited degree was essential)
>* affiliation to UCB or the school, if any
>* whether or not your current (and past) employers require a degree from
>an ALA-accredited program
>* if you are an employer or hiring authority, how lack of accreditation
>affects your ability to hire.
>* the impact on (society, California, the economy, k-12, higher education,
>the public good, etc.!) that libraries and librarians have and how NOT
>having an ALA-accredited school at UCB will negatively impact all those
>* what librarians add to the information universe that computers alone
>cannot provide
>* and anything else you feel would make a succinct, rational case that
>would be comprehensible to university administrators.
>if you like, you can cc: the SIMS Alumni Association (though this message
>is my personal message,not from them):
>UCB SIMS Alumni Association
>102 South Hall
>University of California
>Berkeley, CA 94720-4600
>Mail or fax copies to:
>Chancellor Robert Berdahl
>200 California Hall
>University of California
>Berkeley, CA 94720-1500
>FAX: 510-643-5499
>Vice Chancellor Carol Christ
>200 California Hall
>University of California
>Berkeley, CA 94720-1500
>FAX: 510-643-5499
>Dean Hal Varian
>School of Information Management and Systems
>102 South Hall
>University of California
>Berkeley, CA 94720-4600
>FAX: 510-642-5814
>Daily Californian
>PO Box 1949
>Berkeley, CA 94701-0949
>FAX: 510-849-2803
>Chair of the Regents of the University of California
>John Davies
>Allen, Matkins, Leck, Gamble & Mallory
>501 West Broadway, Suite 900
>San Diego, CA 92101
>FAX: (619) 233-1158
>(note: there are 26 regents and no single mailing or e-mail address for
>them. if you address mail to the Office of the Secretary of the Regents,
>1111 Franklin St. in Oakland, they will not forward letters to the
>Regents; they might mention letters in their report of communications.
>For the addresses and other information about the regents, see
>http://www.ucop.edu/regents/ )
>E-mail addresses:
>Chancellor Robert Berdahl (c/o Joyce deVries, his executive assistant)
> joycedev at uclink4.berkeley.edu
>Vice Chancellor Carol Christ
> cchrist at uclink4.berkeley.edu
>Dean Hal Varian
> hal at sims.berkeley.edu
>Daily Californian
> opinion at dailycal.org
>UCB SIMS Alumni Association (c/o co-president Chris Orr)
> chriso at sirius.com
C. Ward Price wprice at panam.edu
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