--== savvysearch: thanks & an update ==--

sean dreilinger sean at durak.org
Mon Dec 28 13:40:44 EST 1998

[cross-posted: if you see this again, you have excellent taste in lists!]

a recent SavvySearch `sneak-preview' invite to a few library-related
discussion lists resulted in 2,000 same-day queries and several crucial
last-minute suggestions from information professionals, making the
commercial turn-on of SavvySearch a smoother experience than it might have
been without your help. this is a quick thanks and follow-up on the major
suggestions we received:

 + boolean meta-query support: this is the tallest order from the
   information professional community - it is now being tested on the
   primary (search engines and guides) collections queried by SavvySearch. 
   if you want to be alerted when this is available, send an empty email
   message to: savvysearch-announce-subscribe at savvysearch.com

 + new submission service available - you need to register that library web
   site to be indexed by the major search engines? try out this new freebie:

 + created two new comparison shopping collections (babes and games)

 + many bugs and quirks detected and repaired with assistance from you folks!

 + the url (http://www.savvysearch.com/) is now permanent, bookmarkable,
   linkable, etc.

 + very special THANKS!! to everyone who took time to write us a letter (or
   call!) in November, gratefully acknowledged below. we really appreciate
   your constructive (and frank!) feedback. if anyone else out there has
   $.02 on making SavvySearch a better service, please don't hesitate to
   write. among those kind and brave enough to offer us some thanksgiving

       Alex Suciu
       Ann Recktenwald         - Nortel Networks 
       Ayako Yamazaki
       B. Heather Campbell
       Barbara Short
       Carla Biggert           - Inter at ctivate Consulting Group
       Caroline M. Bordinaro   - University of Southern California
       Dawn Olmsted Swanson    - Kettering University
       Denis McNary            - United States Plastic Corp.
       Don Irvine              - Comox Valleylinks Community Network
       Efthimis Efthimiadis & Class - University of Washington SLIS
       Elizabeth (Liz) Cooksey - Skidaway Institute of Oceanography
       Elizabeth Burton        - Salem Church Library
       Fred & Wendy Griffiths  - ``Calgary, Canada''
       Heather Serdar
       John Stafford           -  Library, Worcester (somewhere in the UK)
       Julie McKenna           - Regina Public Library
       Lilah J. Mittelstaedt   - Philadelphia Museum of Art
       Lydia Ievins            - Harvard University Library
       Mary Lou Troy           - Upper Dublin Public Library
       P. Yeckley              - De Anza College
       Pam                     - ``from far away New Zealand''
       Paul R. F. Schumacher   - University of Chicago
       Phil Rogers             - Grange Research Centre, Co. Meath, Ireland
       Rosemary O'Donnell      - Bayer Inc.
       Sander Hartogensis      - ``The Netherlands''
       Tina Demars             - Bayer Inc.

thanks again to the LIS community for your suggestions on such short notice.
best wishes to all for a wonderful new year!

--sean dreilinger
                          sean dreilinger, mlis
                          mailto:sean at durak.org

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