Ms-dos question

Chris Gray cpgray at
Sun Apr 19 10:36:39 EDT 1998

The "/Y" switch applies to the "copy" command (not the "del" command). You
can use it to automatically overwrite one file with another without being
prompted to confirm the overwrite.

Chris Gray
Library Systems
University of Waterloo

> We run resident Windows95 on an NT network.  I want to delete
> all items in the cache every time the system is rebooted.  I have edited
> the autoexec.bat file to include
> del c:\progra~1\netscape\naviga~1\cache\*.*
> I did this a long time ago at another institution and it worked well.
> Following the *.* I included a switch such as (I can't remember exactly)
>  |y
> /y
> \y
> Now I can't get this to work!  (At the other place we were
> running 16 bit software).  Does anyone know the switch that
> will tell DOS 'Yes' to delete all files in the cache rather
> than prompting for each file?

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