E-journals - new issue alerts?

dianna.roberts at opus.co.nz dianna.roberts at opus.co.nz
Wed Apr 1 16:09:47 EST 1998

I'm anticipating that someone else has already resolved this issue and would 
like to share their solution with others on this list.

Our internal clients are used to receiving paper issues of journals arriving 
in their intrays. If we cancel paper versions and move to e-versions is 
there some way of notifying clients when the latest issue has been 
published? Like a kind of email routing list? And how do *I* get 
notification in the first place? I have created a listing of relevant e-
journals on our intranet but need to ensure that it gets regular visits.

Dianna Roberts     

Dianna Roberts, Manager TeLIS Operations
Opus International Consultants
P O Box 12004, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND
Ph. 0064-4-4717250     Fax. 0064-4-4731075

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