Web Station!

Anna Lau ylau1 at umbc2.umbc.edu
Sun Apr 5 20:59:39 EDT 1998

Hi, all! I need to set up some Web stations which allows patrons to go
some web based database. We use WinSelect to restrict patrons using some

menu items. We have also remove all entries from the bookmark files and
set the files to read only. But we have difficulties to disable the
bookmark function. And the bookmark function enables some of the items
have disabled. Does anyone have any idea how to resolve this problem?
Another problem we have is, we would like the patron be able to mail the

search result to their own account, hence we use communicator standard
version rather than navigator standalone version. Similar problem as the

bookmark function, once send mail function is launched, some items are
enabled even we have disabled them. Does anyone know a way to get around

this? We also want to restrict patrons use the mail function only to
themselves the search result. Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks!

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