Question Color bars repeating

Libby Whitcomb x0463755 at
Wed Oct 22 16:42:01 EDT 1997

A colleague of mine is working on a Web page.
He has designed a page with a colored bar along the 
left side. On his computer the graphic is showing up 
just as it should. However, when we pull it up on my computer
the bar on the left tiles again almost to the edge of the right side
of the page. So that we see the red bar twice. 
He is designing on an 800x 600 scale.
Does anyone know of a solution so that this graphic
would show up properly on a wide variety of resolutions?
(640x 480, 800x 600 etc.)
We would greatly appreciate any suggestions.
I receive Web4Lib in digest so direct responses would be helpful.
Thank you,
Libby Whitcomb
Corporate Services-Information Technology Team
Information Research Specialist
libby at

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