To Filter or not to filter...

Sheryl Dwinell dwinells at
Tue Oct 21 13:39:53 EDT 1997

>City Council members in support of filtering software suggested that the
>names of those who accessed pornography be posted in the local
>newspaper(note: it is illegal under city ordinance to access pornography
>in the library...but who said politicians were rationale ;) ).

This is hilarious! How would you like to be the person in charge who had to
go query the person looking at porn in your library, and get their personal
information so you can go call the local paper and report them.  What kind
of fantasy world do these local politicians live in? Or the people who put
them in office to begin with. Sheesh.

By the way, wasn't it one of the Warren City Council members who came into
the library demanding porn and then when turned down (since it WAS illegal
afterall), berated a library staff person?? 

What a wacky town.

Sheryl Dwinell * Cataloger/DBM Librarian/Webmaster
Memorial Library * Marquette University
P.O. Box 3141 * Milwaukee, WI 53201-3141
414-288-3406 * dwinells at

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