Job Posting: Internet Training Specialist

Becki Whitaker becki at
Thu Oct 9 12:27:31 EDT 1997

This message is cross-posted to several lists. Please forgive duplication.

Internet Training Specialist 
     Available Immediately 
     Provides Internet training and consulting about library related uses
of the Internet as the lead Internet trainer in a statewide library
network environment. Duties include developing, presenting and
coordinating a program of relevant Internet workshops; consulting about
networked information services, including Internet, WWW, and HTML; 
participating as a member of the INCOLSA Web Site Coordinating Committee.
     Required: MLS Degree and at least three years experience in
professional positions, or Masters in related field with at least five
years professional experience; a minimum of one year intensive experience
with the Internet and relevant hardware and software including TCP/IP;
proven skills in HTML and other Internet tools; one year of formal
teaching or training experience; demonstrable experience and success
designing, organizing and presenting workshops; history of working with
librarians in a consulting capacity; effective oral, written and
interpersonal communication skills; demonstrated analytical and
organizational skills; willingness to travel.
     Desirable: UNIX and JAVA/CGI script writing; knowledge of WEB server
content development and management; experience with a variety of
microcomputer systems and experience with electronic reference services; 
adult teaching or training experience;  experience providing telephone
support, writing grant proposals, and working effectively as a team
     This is not a webmaster position; the emphasis is on training and
     Salary: Minimum $32,000 depending on qualifications; negotiable.
Benefits, including TIAA-CREF.
     Send resume, 3 relevant job references, sample relevant URLs to: 
     Human Resources--Internet Training Specialist
     INCOLSA, 6202 Morenci Trail 
     Indianapolis, IN 46268-2536. 


More about INCOLSA:

NCOLSA, Indiana's statewide library network, serves more
than 740 libraries - from the largest universities and public 
libraries to the smallest schools, hospitals and corporate 
libraries. We provide reference, interlibrary loan, document 
delivery, training, continuing education, technology support, 
group purchasing and other services -- as well as OCLC member 
support services -- from our offices in Indianapolis and seven 
other Indiana cities.

We need skilled, dedicated, creative individuals who would 
like to join our team of about 60 information professionals. 
We seek specific skills, but we are particularly interested 
in creative individuals with drive and imagination who share 
our vision that a higher level of information service is 
possible through libraries working together and supported 
by a cooperative network.


Becki Whitaker
Information Retrieval Specialist
Indiana Cooperative Library Services Authority (INCOLSA)
6202 Morenci Trail, Indianapolis, IN 46268
becki at /Voice/TDD: 317-298-6570 /FAX: 317-328-2380

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