UNIX listservs/PC listservs

Diane Schug schugd at cna.org
Wed Nov 19 16:37:36 EST 1997

I asked one of our UNIX guys, here's his answer:

IMHO, majordomo is the best for Unix systems. It can be found at

Hope this helps.
Diane Schug

>Does anyone have any UNIX and PC listservs that they highly recommend?
>I have some collegues who are looking for some decent ones that cover
>SUN machines as well as PC's.
>Thanks in advance
>Andrew R. Murgas                               Suburban Library System
>Information Technology Specialist              murgasa at sls.lib.il.us
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~		~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Diane T. Schug		Senior Information Specialist
ph: 703-824-2113		The Center for Naval Analyses 
SchugD at cna.org		4401 Ford Ave
fax: 703-824-2200		 Alexandria, VA  22302

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