Browser usage.

Charles A. Summerhill casummerhill at
Mon Nov 17 16:49:25 EST 1997

>For my internet site, Not Just Cows, I have been using the free counter
>provided by  It is shwoing some intereseting statistics.

>This raises the following question in my mind:
>1. If people are using Win95, why not use the latest browser?

It takes hours to download the latest versions of Netscape and/or Internet
Explorer. Some people pay per hour for their access, or have better things
to do (gasp!).

>2. Some are still using Netscape 1.0 and 2.0, why?

I would argue that Netscape v2.0 should still be considered a very capable
browser. But in addition to the answer for number 1, there is plain

>3. When do users switch to the latest browser version?

Probably when they get a new computer -- seriously.

Same goes for upgrading to the latest copy of Microsoft Office or any other
piece of software.

--Charles A. Summerhill
  LibraryLRC Network Guy
  University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

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